Wasaga Beach Condominium Development

Verona is proposing to redevelop an assembly of land anchored by 32 Main Street. It is currently occupied by a commercial use building and is surrounded by similar commercial establishments and associated parking lots. The assembly has an approximate area of 0.20 hectares (0.51 acres) and an approximate frontage of 10.72 metres along Main Street. The Town of Wasaga Beach Official Plan designates the subject property as The Beach. The permitted uses within this designation include: medium and high-density residential uses; low-rise and high-rise apartment buildings; business and professional offices; personal service establishments; neighbourhood community and cultural centres; urban squares and parkettes, and more. The Town of Wasaga Beach Zoning By-law 2014-92 zones the subject property as Tourist Commercial (CTH-18) which permits uses such as dwelling unit in a non-residential building; arcade or games establishment; commercial/municipal parking lot; recreational establishment; retail store; commercial use on the ground floor of a residential unit, and more.

Wasaga Beach Condominium Development

Project details

Internal Development
January 2024
Wasaga Beach
Property Acquisition and Development

We are proposing to redevelop an assembly of land anchored by 32 Main Street. It is currently occupied by a commercial use building and is surrounded by similar commercial establishments and associated parking lots. The assembly has an approximate area of 0.20 hectares (0.51 acres) and an approximate frontage of 10.72 metres along Main Street.  The Town of Wasaga Beach Official Plan designates the subject property as The Beach. The permitted uses within this designation include: medium and high-density residential uses; low-rise and high-rise apartment buildings; business and professional offices; personal service establishments; neighbourhood community and cultural centres; urban squares and parkettes, and more.  The Town of Wasaga Beach Zoning By-law 2014-92 zones the subject property as Tourist Commercial (CTH-18) which permits uses such as dwelling unit in a non-residential building; arcade or games establishment; commercial/municipal parking lot; recreational establishment; retail store; commercial use on the ground floor of a residential unit, and more.

Wasaga Beach Condominium Development
Wasaga Beach Condominium Development

Project highlights


  • 22,185 sq. ft. Site Area.
  • 108 Condo Units (primarily 1 bedroom).  Total GFA = 102,130  sq.ft.
  • Including 5,300 sf retail space on ground floor.
  • 5 Storey Building – each unit with beach and river view.  Additional development potential for on-site parking.


  • The current site is zoned for 11 floors of mixed-use condominium  building development.
  • Based on the comparable, Falcon expects a rezoning will be permitted to  allow for 5 floors of density.